От издателя Berlin welcomes the new millenium with the world's most spectacular light-show Art in Heaven set to the timeless music of Mike Oldfield performing live in concert Twelve fluorescent light balloonбэшбьs, 250 rare xenon gas space cannons and 550 special stage lights turn the sky above Berlin into a unique pyramid of light under the direction of Gert Hof More than half a million spectators experience this superlative show set at the foot of Berlin's beautiful victoryвкфен Column Mike Oldfield performs several of his legendary classics including "Tubular Bells", "Moonlight Shadow" and "Shadow on the Wall" as well as the premiere of his album "The millenium bell The musical climax of this event is the special "Art in Heaven" Also appearing is the state Orchestra and the Glinka State Choir of St Petersburg An amazing event of art, culture and music to commemorate the start of the new millenium Classic sвсзкпongs: 1 Tubular bells 2 Portsmouth 3 Moonlight shadow 4 Secrets 5 Shadows on the wall The millenium bell: 1 Sunlight 2 The doges palace 3 Mastermind 4 Broad 5 Liberation 6 Amber light 7 The millenium bell Дополнительные материалы Актер Майк Олдфилд Mike Oldfield Майкл Гордон Олдфилд родился в Рэдинге, графство Бэркшир Играть на гитаре начал с семи лет, а в 14 вместе со своей сестрой Сэлли организовал фолк-дуэт "Sallyangie", в котором сестра пела, а Майк аккомпанировал на гитаре Успев записать одну пластинку, .